New computers! New operating systems! It's an exciting time to be a Mac user, and, after a bit of work, we're proud to support these great new things in Nova, on day one. Hooray, native apps!
Big Sur
Nova is now ready for the latest version of macOS, Big Sur, with lots of fixes, refreshed icons, and an overall super smooth experience.
Apple M1 Chip
Nova also now runs natively on Apple silicon chips, like the new Apple M1, giving you maximum editing performance on the next generation of Macs.
Customizable Dock Icon
Choose how you want Nova's dock icon to look in the Theme preferences. Nova's dock icon can even automatically switch from light to dark when macOS switches, even when Nova isn't running.
Double-clicking brackets now selects the entire range of text within those brackets
Typing or moving the cursor over a singular bracket now flashes its matching counterpart
Editor: Find wildcard token color are now represented in the editor using an underline with the same color as the wildcard
Selecting ‘Create New Extension’ from the Extensions menu now automatically enables development tools
New for Extensions
Added support for a TaskCommandAction class that invokes an extension command
Completion Assistant: Added support for a triggerCharacters property
Nova will now display running extensions in the ‘An Extension Service Crashed’ dialog
Clicking on a terminal pane when Nova is in the background now brings focus to that pane
Fixed an issue installing the nova CLI tool when /usr/local/bin did not already exist
Resolved an issue where Code Foliding could affect rainbow brackets from matching
Fixed a potential problem with reading .pem keys stored in keychain
Fixing an issue where editor text layout could be incorrect if the wrapped indentation exceeded the container width
Terminal: Copying text no longer inserts line breaks where line-wrapping was present
Terminal: File paths that end in : can now be opened via command-click
Terminal: After opening a file via command-click subsequent clicks will not re-open the file
Extensions: Resolved a potential crash in language server code actions
Extensions: Fixed an issue where JSTreeItem.tooltip would not be used